This is one of the best interviews I’ve ever heard - and I’ve heard a whole lot of them over the years! Thanks for sharing, Derek!

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Thank you…it’s easy with George MacDonald as understood by Chris & Jordan!

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Thank you for the gift of this precious series, Br. Holser. Moreover, thank you for this episode, Bp. Green and Dr. Wood!

As I meditated on Holy Scripture, recently, I came to recognize something new (to me):

While St. John was “in the Spirit” on the isle of Patmos (circa 95 AD), he received divine revelation from the Son (Re. 1:1–2). In the divine revelation he received, St. John had a conversation with one of the Elders gathered around the throne of the Father and the Son (Re. 22:3) — an Elder who was also alongside Christians who come through the Great Tribulation, presumably in the future (Re. 7:9–17). Before his conversation with the Elder, St. John did not know what the Elder would say (Re. 7:14).

So, in his conversation with St. John, the Elder of the future changed the content of St. John’s knowledge in the past; i.e., the triune God orchestrated a human changing the past as mediated by the Holy Spirit at the direction of the Son received from the Father.

If one does not treat St. John’s revelation as mere allegory, this passage demonstrates God’s ability to “simultaneously” interact with multiple points in time; further, it proves His ability to mediate human interaction across points in time — even affecting change in the past.

I would be glad to hear your thoughts about this passage and its possible implications, brothers.

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Hello Adam, thank you! I’m not a biblical scholar but I like your perspectives here. Jordan Wood’s book on Maximus and his many online conversations often touch on time and God and the nature of reality.

In fact, he appears in an upcoming podcast series we’ve recorded on George MacDonald’s novel Lilith. In that conversation, he specifically talks about this concept. That episode will be released through this channel in early October.

Best regards,


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Thanks for the kindness of your reply, brother.

I plan to read Dr. Wood’s book on St. Maximus in the next year (Lord willing), and I look forward to your series together on (St.) MacDonald’s “Lilith” as well!

Grace and peace to you.

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